© The Docking Benefice The Vicarage, Sedgeford Road, Docking PE31 8PN Telephone: 01485 517157
The Docking Benefice


Safeguarding Statement

The five parishes that comprise the Docking Benefice are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us – whether ordained, employed or voluntary members – to work together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm. We seek to uphold the highest safeguarding standards in our relationships with people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity with the Church and its organisations. Here is a link to the Safeguarding Statement published by the Diocese of Norwich – http:www.dioceseofnorwich.org/training/safeguarding where you can find the Diocese Safeguarding Advisor’s contact details and details of how anyone can report a concern.

Policy documents for the Docking Benefice

Safeguarding Children and Young People Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults The above policies have been signed by the named persons appointed by the Parochial Church Council to represent the churches in our Benefice. Mrs Pam Goddard 01485 579002 email: pamgoddard@btinternet.com Mr Nigel Maggs-Oosterhagen 01485 542473
© The Docking Benefice The Vicarage, Sedgeford Road, Docking PE31 8PN Telephone: 01485 517157
The Docking Benefice


Safeguarding Statement

The five parishes that comprise the Docking Benefice are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us – whether ordained, employed or voluntary members – to work together to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm. We seek to uphold the highest safeguarding standards in our relationships with people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity with the Church and its organisations. Here is a link to the Safeguarding Statement published by the Diocese of Norwich – http:www.dioceseofnorwich.org/training/safeguardi ng where you can find the Diocese Safeguarding Advisor’s contact details and details of how anyone can report a concern.

Policy documents for the

Docking Benefice

Safeguarding Children and Young People Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults The above policies have been signed by the named persons appointed by the Parochial Church Council to represent the churches in our Benefice. Mrs Pam Goddard 01485 579002 email: pamgoddard@btinternet.com Mr Nigel Maggs-Oosterhagen 01485 542473